Brokering Partnerships – An online course

Welcome to the learning platform for the online course on brokering partnerships!
Think of it as your “backpack” for our journey together. In it you can find everything you will need over the next few weeks.

By scrolling down, you can find more information on:
– Course objectives
– Logistics of the course
– Session dates and times
– Learning Groups
– The Forum
– Certificate of completion

Course objectives
The course is a blend of approaches, mixing online and off-line content, individual and group work, facilitated and self-managed learning,  tapping into your creative and brainy capacities, all of which we hope will combine to create an enjoyable and worthwhile learning journey for you.

By the end, we hope you will have:

  • A deeper understanding of professional partnership management  (‘brokering’)
  • Awareness of conceptual frameworks on process management
  • Stronger Partnership Brokering skills
  • A reflective approach to professional partnership brokering practice and good practice principles
  • Insights into your own partnering practice and greater confidence to manage partnering processes
  • Explored innovative approaches to addressing challenges in partnerships

Each session will require specific preparation and follow-up work. This will be clearly laid out through the menu button for each session, listed on the right. There, we will point you to relevant materials (to read, to watch, to reflect on or to do) and we will upload slides and other materials we used during the sessions there.

So, to get started, click on Pre-course work and Session 1!

Session dates and times
(All times given are the UK Time zone)

We would like to draw your attention to the learning Forum (linked at the bottom of the right hand menu). This is private for the participants of this course, and us two, to be able to share, explore and probe with each other in between the sessions. We encourage you to visit this regularly, and post ideas/questions/comments, and respond to those of others, so as to create an additional vibrant learning opportunity for us all. Learning groups can also share their insights and questions here, to help cross-fertilise learning.

Certificate of Completion
All participants who attend and actively participate in the whole course will receive a Certificate of Completion. They may then progress to one of the Advanced Courses options, including professional Accreditation. More information about these options will be given during the course. 

Participation in the skills practice sessions (sessions 5 and 6) is a core requirement for this course, and for the award of the Certificate.
Anyone who has to miss any of the other sessions will be expected to catch up through reading the materials and watching the recording of the webinar. Trainers then have the discretion to invite them to submit further work to show that they have reflected on the material missed.
Anyone who misses more than one session will not be awarded a Certificate and will need to fulfil certain ‘bridging requirements’ before being eligible to apply for any Advanced Practice course. 

If, for any unexpected reason, you need to miss (part of) a session, then please notify Marta ( in advance.